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  Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(958)
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:125
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公司:Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(958)
地址: Posted on 2012 年 6 月 7 日 by admin | Leave a reply eramic ceramic handicraft gardening and garden ceramics;Household adornment;Household adornment;Garden supplies;Garden tools and outdoor device other garden supplies;Daily ceramics;Family dinner kitchen and ceramic hotel dining kitchen and ceramic other eat hutch and daily-use ceramics;Eat hutch appliance;Table supplies and adornment kitchen supplies vessel;Gift and premium;The resin products;Holiday articles;Party supplies and decoration holiday articles and decoration “D-273 / A, KRISHNA PARK, DEVLI ROADNEWDELHI-110062 INDIA” 91 11 31089745 91 11 26084205 911126087984 rakeshg273@indiatimes.com machinery;Hardware tools;Electronics and home appliance kind; andBuilding materials kind; andChemical products;Office, bags and leisure products classes;Footwear;Household adornment category;Daily consumer goods categories;Gifts series 53657 India CIRKIT ELECTRO-COMPONENTS PVT. LTD. Other;Consumer electronics;Other consumer electronics audio and video audio products personal digital entertainment products;Electrical and electronic products;Electronic safety equipment electronic electrician product business automation equipment;The computer and communication products;The computer and accessories computer peripherals computer software;The computer network equipment communication products “; I am looking for LED Lighting product, Street Light, LED the 2011-4-16 “” 54-B PROCTOR ROAD, DRUG HOUSE BLDG. MUMBAI-400007 INDIA” cirkit@vsnl.com 91-22-23879335 91-22-23877777 electronics and home appliance class 52967 India KUNJAL SYNERGIES PRIVATE LIMITED Other Chemicals Solvents Polyester Fibres;Consumer electronics;Other consumer electronics audio and video audio products personal digital entertainment products;Electrical and electronic products;Electronic safety equipment electronic electrician product business automation equipment;The computer and communication products;The computer network equipment communication products computer software;The computer and accessories computer peripherals;Construction and decoration materials;Cement products;Chemical products;Rubber fire work products chemical raw materials;Dyes and intermediates, pigment agricultural chemical raw material chemical reagent;Plastic raw materials other chemical products;Household adornment;Painting, the frame, picture frame, mirror;Clocks glasses;Clock clock and watch fittings other clocks and watches products;Table;Gift and premium;Other gift and premium traditional handicraft paper and packaging products;Propaganda gift and premium;Mineral metallurgy and non-ferrous metal;Black metal and mineral products non-ferrous metals and minerals non-metal minerals “15 D, EVEREST HOUSE, 46 C, j. l. NEHRU ROAD, KOLKATA-700 071, INDIA” Nishith Parekh www.kunjal.com kunjal@vsnl.com 913322881223 913322881217 electronics and home appliance kind; andBuilding materials kind; andChemical products;Household adornment category;Gifts series 53140 India Saturn Intel (IND) Co Agent Electronics Toys Gifts;Household appliances;Household appliances;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products;Lighting products;Lighting products;Office stationery;Office stationery;Clocks glasses;Clocks glasses;Household supplies;Household supplies;Toys;Toys;Gift and premium;Gift and premium Metro Mumbai Maharashtra Mr Mitesh mitesh@saturnintel.net 00912222623488 00912222628308 electronics and home appliance kind; andLighting kind; andOffice, bags and leisure products classes;Gifts series;Daily consumer goods categories 52459 India BABA CASEIN INTERNATIONAL Buying office mobile phones Butter Ghee Jeans;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products computer and accessories phone;Male and female attire;Male and female attire;Children’s clothing;Children’s clothing;Underwear;Underwear;Sportswear and sportswear;Sportswear and sportswear;Clothing decorations and the accessories;Clothing decorations and accessories cap;Food;Food egg dairy products;Shoes;Shoes;Furniture;Furniture “108, Kabir Market, Hathi Khana Main Road, Baroda Gujarat” Mr. Ashwin Golani www.baba-group.com bbdairy@gmail.com 912652424 457 912652432628 electronic and electrical appliances kind; andTextile apparels;Food and local products category;Footwear;Household adornment category 52170 India MONAD ELECTROTECH Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products “50, JINDATTA SURI COMPLEX UDAIPUR RAJ-313001″ Chetan Prajapat info@monad.in 2425802 electronics and home appliance class 51531 India BK INFRATECH Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Construction and decoration materials;Construction and decoration materials;Household appliances the 2011-9-14;Furniture the 2011-9-14 “401 TAHSAIMAN CHAMBERS 142 / C, PRENDERGHAST ROAD SECUNDERABAD” B.K.S udhakar reddy bksr@bkgroupco.com 66338228 66338228 electronics and home appliance kind; andBuilding materials class 51456 India ENVIRONS FILTER Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics “A / 62, SHIVSHAKTI INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, PHASE 1, GIDC, VATVA, AHMEDABAD. GUJARAT.zip-382445″ Divyang Parmar info@environsfilter.com 25891811 25891811 electronics and home appliance class 51465 India RAJ CLOCK INDUSTRIES Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Clocks glasses;Clocks glasses;WALL CLCOKS 2011-10-17;WALL CLCOKS 2011-10-17;I Want to buy: WALL CLCOKS 2011-10-17;WALL CLOCKS 2011-7-9 MR. DEEPAK MEHTA rikonquart@yahoo.com 91-912822230221 91-2822 285300-electronics and home appliance kind; andGifts series 60945 India PAN ELECTRONICS Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products RAMAKRISHNA rhr@venlon.com electronics and home appliance class 61399 India digital marketing systems PVT. LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products “; I am looking for frequency converters, coater meters/pressore transmitters, analysers the 2011-11-1 “prafulla jain digicomtrols@gmail.com 3046803 07313046800 electronics and home appliance class 60645 India ECI ENGNEERING & CONST CO LIMITED Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products “; cables, switch the 2011-11-19 “” Plot No 70 Roa No1, Jubilee Hills Hyderabad AP” KAZA vijay@eciecc.com 2552981 23552984 electronics and home appliance class 59953 India DOLPHINTEC TECHNOLOGIES LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics “52/114, C R Park, New Delhi Delhi Delhi” sunil sood dolphintec@hotmail.com 26445847-65134399-electronics and home appliance class 59164 India PLAYMAN MEDIA PVT LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics “PLOT NO 26, ROAD NO 3, FILMNAGAR HYDERABAD ANDHRA PRADESH-500033 INDIA” Phanendra Hanumanula phanendrah@gmail.com the 091-970-2381 1943 091-970-4004 646 electronic and electrical appliances class 59713 India TEXONIC INSTRUMENTS Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Lighting products;Industrial lighting decoration lighting emergency and safety lighting;Entertainment and the stage lighting office, advertising, exhibition lighting, outdoor lighting;Other lighting system application fluorescent lamp energy-saving lamps;Incandescent light bulb neon neon;Iodine tungsten lamp bulb magnesium bromine tungsten lamp;Other electric light source of light chimney;Fiber optic light lamp holder plate;Lamp ballast regulators;Transformer and the fai adapter;Converter sensor other lamps and accessories;Other lighting products;Household adornment;Adornment candles, candlestick and related products Chinese calligraphy and painting painting;Picture album engraving photo frame;Process picture frame frame activities support;Adornment mirror table items doors and Windows adornment, wall hung adornment;Artificial flowers;Personal care purposes;Cosmetics lipstick make-up bags;Makeup and make up Posted in Canton Fair. 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