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  Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(999)
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:146
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公司:Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(999)
地址: Posted on 2012 年 6 月 7 日 by admin | Leave a reply home appliance class 123804 British Syntra Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Electronical calle + Management system the 2011-4-19 “261/277 Rookery Road, Handsworth, Birmingham B21 9 PT” SS Gill sales@syntraplc.com 0121 554 9033 0121 554 7521 electronic and electrical appliances class 124362 British TARUS VENTURES Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Medical and health product;Medical and health products “; medicines the 2011-3-16; TV, laptops, mobile phones the 2011-4-17 “Anthony aionuch@yahoo.com 447940277867 447940277867 electronics and home appliance kind; andThe medicine and the medical care class 123239 British Banico Ltd Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;I am looking for heating and ventilating controls. 2011-4-16 Tilson Road Manchester M23 9 GF Ayoob Bani sales@banico.co.uk 44-08451700750 44-08451700740 electronics and home appliance class 123325 British DENCON ACCESSORIES LTD. Other;Motorcycle;Motorcycle;Hardware;Hardware;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Lamps the 2011-4-19 “Lyden House, South Road Templefields Industrial Estate Harlow, Essex CM20 2 BS” Robert b. Milliken robert.milliken@dencon.co.uk 441279433633 441279433533 vehicles and parts kind; andHardware tools;Electronics and home appliance class 125676 British Moula and co Wholesalers/Distributors hardware electronics clothing;Large machinery and equipment;Textile machinery printing machinery;Hardware;Hardware;electricity The son consumer goods;Consumer electronics;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products;Textile materials fabric;Textile materials fabric;Office stationery;Office stationery;Hardwares the 2011-9-25 high road London hamed moula info.moula@yahoo.com 4402073704949 4407791055067 machinery;Hardware tools;Electronics and home appliance kind; andTextile apparels;Office, bags and leisure products class 126821 British geevax LTD Agent toys stationery bags;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Male and female attire;Male and female attire;Clothing decorations and the accessories;Clothing decorations and the accessories;Office stationery;Office stationery;Bags;Bags;The bathroom articles;Bath cap bath shade towel;Towel rack toilet paper and noodles paper soap;Bath salt bath oil/water gargle;Toothpaste/bathroom sponge bath mat toothbrush with;The bathroom mirror Jian liquid containers with soap trays;Plug wet towel;Toys;Toys;Gift and premium;Gift and premium “; electric toys the 2011-1-21; toys the 2011-10-17; Magic Slate toys, Musical toys the 2011-11-19 “34 church street tewkesbury glos gl20 5 sn Gareth Creed-Newton www.geevax.com gcnewton@geevax.co.uk 00441684850085 01684850850 electronics and home appliance kind; andTextile apparels;Office, bags and leisure products classes;Daily consumer goods categories;Gifts series 126389 British Kings Kitchens Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Construction and decoration materials;Construction and decoration materials;Household adornment;Household adornment;Furniture;Furniture;Bathroom accessories 2011-6-17;Bedroom accessories 2011-6-17 192 Acton Lane Park Royal London NW 107 NH Manu s. Ramji www.kingskitchens.co.UK manu@kingskitchens.co.UK 020 8961 8373 020 8961 8084 electronics and home appliance kind; andBuilding materials kind; andHousehold adornment category 124637 British Rochini Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Sanitary equipment;Sanitary equipment R.K.K apur rikkiii@hotmail.com 02082794194 02081794194 electronics and home appliance kind; andBuilding materials class 124668 British Undenwood Trading;Small mechanical;Small mechanical;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Taifa the 2011-4-24 Johm Jonundenwoodltd@aoc.com 00441789721790 00441789720785 machinery;Electronics and home appliance class 124943 British ASIR Other;Tool;Tool;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Furniture;Furniture;Tools the 2011-4-17;Furnitures 2011-4-17;Electrical Equipment 2011-4-17 Omar D.H immo omarhimmo@yahoo.co.uk 96265517034 962 79 9485928 hardware tools;Electronics and home appliance kind; andHousehold adornment category 125118 British ULTRA SECURE LIMITED Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Electronic Security equipment the 2011-8-15 “10, RYEHILL COURT, LODGE FARM NORTHAMPTON NN5 7 EU” Mick Statham mick@ultrasecureltd.com 4582090 4758438 electronics and home appliance class 122055 British TABCENTRIC Other;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products;Toys;Toys “; Tablet Computers; Toys 2011-8-15, Notebook Computers the 2011-8-15 “60 AUSTEN PATHS STEVENAGE HERTFORDSHIRE Jason jason@tabcentric.com 357708 electronics and home appliance kind; andGifts series 121900 British I Q FIRE SOLUTIONS Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Fire Wire the 2011-8-9 19 BUTTON ROAD GRAYS RM17 5 HE Iqbal Khatkar info@iqfiresolutions.com 5910504 electronics and home appliance class 122195 British PWD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electronic electrician product * * MARTlN_ROSS@PWD.CO.UK electronics and home appliance class 119707 British AMTECH UK Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics and CRESCENT ROAD LONDON N15 3 LJ Adnan Ahmed amtechuk@hotmail.co.uk 7778655522 electronics and home appliance class 121572 British CLIMACHILL LIMITED Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Air Conditioner the 2011-5-24 “Unit B8 Dolphin Enterprise Centre Evershed Way, the Shoreham Sussex, BN43 6 QB” Paul Goldstein paul@climachill.co.uk 0044-1273-4639 59 electronics and home appliance class 108918 British GREENFORD ELECTRONICS Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Fan the 2011-5-11 “176 MANSELLROAD GREENFORD, MIDDX UB6 9, EH. LONDON. The U.K.” Q.A MIR quadratamir@hotmail.com 860760366133 860760366134 electronics and home appliance class 108913 British BESTSELLERS LIMITED Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;PC Peripherals. I.E. Memory sticks the 2011-5-26 Unit 12 Business Development Centre Treforest Ind. Est. Pontypridd CF37 5 UR Daniel West dwest@bestsellersuk.com 0044-1443-0560 3-44412 0044-1443-8422 9 electronics and home appliance class 108571 British VIBE CENTRE LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Mobile accessories 2011-5-11 61 a Bury New Road Manchester M8 8 FX Tauqeer Sabir sales@vibecentre.com the 0044-161-8344 442 0044-161-8399 006 electronic and electrical appliances class 108780 British BISON GROUP Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products “UNIT 7, 150-160 HOMERTON HIGH STREET HACKNEY, LONDON, E9 6 JA U.K.” Baysan Hassan bison@bisongroup.co.uk the 0044-020-8533 3350 0044-020-8986 9160 electronic and electrical appliances class 108751 British HYUK LTD. Trading Agriculture Inudstrial Commercial;Large machinery and equipment;Large mechanical equipment other mechanical equipment;Small mechanical;Instrument photographic equipment printing equipment;Transportation equipment electrical equipment processing machinery and accessories;Household sewing machine and parts, the textile equipment machinery foundation a;Bike;Bicycle bicycle spare parts;Motorcycle;Motorcycle, beach car motorcycle spare parts;Auto parts;Auto parts;Hardware;Furniture hardware decoration hardware miscellaneous hardware;Locks and accessories screen welding materials;Low pressure valves plumbing equipment fasteners;Other hardware products cast iron casting forging products;Tool;Cutting tools and measuring tools;Manual tools power tools pneumatic tools;Hydraulic tool welding machine tools tool;Cutting tools tools other tools;Vehicles;Vehicles;Engineering machinery;Civil engineering machinery of agriculture and fores Posted in Canton Fair. Leave a reply Cancel reply
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