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  Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(1023)
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:252
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公司:Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(1023)
地址: Posted on 2012 年 6 月 7 日 by admin | Leave a reply MAYFAIR LIMITED Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Household electrical appliances the 2011-10-18 135 Streatfield Road Harrow HA3 9 BL Dhiren Shah dhiren@goldenmayfair.com 44-20-82061671-44-20-89050371-electronics and home appliance class 2720 British IMEX Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics 54 IVATT WAY BUSINESS PARK PETERBOROUGH CAMBRIDGESHIRE MURTAZA WALJI taz@imex.me 0423944-3261904-electronics and home appliance class 2379 British SOURCING BOUTIQUE Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Appliances the 2011-10-18 J Woosnam-Savage jackie@sourcingboutique.co.uk 00-447006072971- 7859-028118 electronic and electrical Appliances class 2089 British WORLD OF CATERING LTD Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Refrigeration the 2011-10-16 684-692 Lea Bridge Road Leyton London Lewis Bourne lewisbourne@gmail.com the 0044-208-5589 410-0044-208-5565 038-electronic and electrical appliances class 1801 British KJ REFRIGERATION Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Refrigeration Units the 2011-10-19 “274, Manchester Street Oldham, Greater Manchester OL9 6 HB” Khalid Arain kj.4@hotmail.co.uk the 0044-161-6283 192-0044-161-6283 192-electronic and electrical appliances class 2015 British “NAVIGLOBLE TECHNOLOGY HOLDING CO,. LTD” Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Lighting products;Lighting products;Electronics products the 2011-10-19 “2 RED HOUSE SQUARE, DUNCAN CLOSE MOULTON PARK, NORTHAMPTON NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, NN3 6 WL” James navigloble@gmail.com the 0086-001-1392 5259207-0086-001-3925 2592-07 Electronics and home appliance kind; andLighting class 6157 Britain THE CONAIR GROUP LIMITED Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Home appliance 2011-10-19 Prospect Court 3 Waterfront GU51 3 ZQ John Smethurst john_smethurst@conair.com 44-125-2813028-44-125-2813000-electronics and Home appliance class 5987 British TECATECH. LTD Other;Consumer electronics;6 A consumer electronics the Comiche Sandgate Kent CT20 3 TA England Marc Okmen marcokmen@gmail.com 44-790-5032171-44-790-5032171-electronics and home appliance class 5818 British KNIGHTBRIDGE PME LIMITED Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Consumer Electronics the 2011-10-16 MR MEL FINN sales@cakedecoration.co.uk 208-85907373 208-203-3234 0049 Electronics and home appliance class 5533 British TRIBUTES LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Eletronics THE 2011-10-23 “40 THE VINERY ARUNDEL ROAD, WEST SUSSEX, POLING, BN18 9 PY, U.K.” Richard Bush richard@tributes.ltd.uk 44-3888743 44-540-224625 electronic and electrical appliances class 5189 British STAEGER CLEAR PACKAGING LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics Stan Homer stan@staegerclear.co.uk 44-247-6422299 44-247-6464566 electronics and home appliance class 5228 British POSTROOM-ONLINE LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Office equipment 2011-10-31 22 Fuchsia Way Rushden Northamptonshire Gareth Evans gareth@postroom-online.co.uk the 0044-020-3070 0824-0044-018-9544 8984-electronic and electrical appliances class 4135 British R2 INTERNATIONAL LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics “Unit 9 Imperial Studios, Imperial Rd London SW6 2 AG” Umer Sheikh umer@r2international.com 44-087-04906845-44-207-1002312-electronics and home appliance class 3962 British OLYMPIC FIXING PRODUCTS LTD. Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;ITEMS the 2011-10-18 CLIFF YATES cy@olympicfixings.com.uk 0044-01282779119 0044-01282 01282778923-electronic and electrical appliances class 4590 British MTI INSTRUMENTS Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products Littleburn Industrial Estate Durham DH78HJ Ian Park ian.park@adivision.co.uk the 0044-191-3783 973-0044-191-3783 990-electronic and electrical appliances class 4464 British RANGER SERVICES LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;16 Channel Active Balun the 2011-10-16 “Isopad House, Shenley Road Borehamwood Herts” Simon Leigh simon@rangerservices.co.uk 7364031-7364030-electronics and home appliance class 4296 British ELECTROVISION LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Construction and decoration materials;Construction and decoration materials;Disco lights the 2011-10-17 Kevin roche kevin@electrovision.co.uk 44-745001 44-1744-745000 electronics and home appliance kind; andBuilding materials class 3225 British PEOPLES ORIENTED SERVICES LTD Other;Household appliances;Household appliances microwave oven electric heat pan;Electric meal bao food processor juice extractor;Fridge freezers air conditioning;Electric iron;Gift and premium;Key ring;Mineral metallurgy and non-ferrous metal;Mineral metallurgy and non-ferrous metal “; the Kettle, Juicer, Irons, the 2011-10-17; Microwave, DVD player, the 2011-10-17 “40 Lord Street Stockport SK1 3 NA Mr. Irving Chien irving@peoplesos.com 44-161-4761955-44-778-934934-electronics and home appliance kind; andGifts series;Chemical products class 3493 British RUFF DIAMOND UK LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Power factor correction the 2011-10-23 1165 Uttoxetter Rd Stoke On trent ST3 6 HJ William Cloete ruffdiam@gmail.com 44-178-2399383-44-178-2399383-electronics and home appliance class 3773 British P + L Systems Wholesalers/Distributors insect killer transformer UVA lamp;Household appliances ;Household appliances;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Lighting products;Lighting products;Transformer the 2011-10-11;UVA lamp the 2011-10-11 Ten St James Business Park Grimbald Crag Court Knaresborough North Yorkshire Nancy Yuan pandlsystemsasia@gmail.com 8675526692796 8675526692796 electronics and home appliance kind; andLighting class 201621 British SNS GLOBAL LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics 303 NEASDEN LANE LONDON U.K. David david8023@o2.co.uk the 0044-208-4388 825 0044-208-4388 800 electronic and electrical appliances class 201321 British STRAWBERRY MULTIMEDIA Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Buy ereaders the 2011-10-19 98 Percy Road Hampton TW12 2 JW Greg Gilmurray greg@strawberrymultimedia.co.uk 9799481 electronics and home appliance class 201092 British AIRTIGHT Other;Household appliances;Household appliances “; Gadget, sheets, clothing The 2011-10-18 “” and The Oakwood Centre, Downley Road Portsmouth, PO9 2 NP” michelle sun michellesun1026@gmail.com 666766 666766 electronics and home appliance class 201097 British QUANTUM NETWORKS Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products and King Edward RD Coventry Mohammed Islam kickboxerfighter@hotmail.co.uk 447703199100 199100 electronics and home appliance class 201740 Oxford UK Products Ltd Wholesalers/Distributors motorycycle helmets motorcycle accessories bicycle accessories;Bike;Bike;Motorcycle;Motorcycle;Auto parts;Auto parts;Tool;Tool;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products;Lighting products;Lighting products;Male and female attire;Male and female attire;Children’s clothing;Children’s clothing;Underwear;Underwear;Sportswear and sportswear;Sportswear and sportswear;QiuGe skin of down and products;QiuGe skin of down and products;Clothing decorations and the accessories;Cap clothing decorations and the accessories;Sports and tourism leisure products;Sports and tourism leisure products;Shoes;Shoes;Bags;Bags;Gift and premium;Gift and premium;Motorcycle accessories 2011-4-26;Bicycle accessories 2011-4-26 De Havuilland Way Witney Oxon Justin Thomas www.oxprod.com justin@oxprod.com 01993 862320 01993 862326 vehicles and parts kind; andHardware tools;Ele Posted in Canton Fair. 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