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  Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(1019)
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:214
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公司:Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(1019)
地址: Posted on 2012 年 6 月 7 日 by admin | Leave a reply es;Pager interphone PDA;Other consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products monitor alarm;Automatic security products detector sensors;Channel control system of household safety products safety system office;Automatic security products electronic lock the smart card system;Other electronic safety products copier electronic tablet;Projector shredder attendance machine;Electronic cash registers meeting equipment image ATM;Electronic punch machine cash bar code printer;Barcode scanner data collector IC card;Other commercial automation equipment photoelectric device rectifier;Inverter amplifier inverter;Prescaler relay adapter;The battery transformer voltage stabilizer;Inductor reactor circuit breaker;A multimeter connector measuring equipment;The charger electronic detection equipment electronic components;Other electric products;The computer and communication products;Computer peripherals computer network equipment computer software;Phone on the fax machine;Communication cable antennas and receptors pager;Radio equipment radar navigation equipment satellite communications equipment;Satellite receiver other communication equipment and computer equipment and accessories 2 a Courtenay St Newton Abbot Devon bobby coker www.phone4phones.page.tl phone4phones@hotmail.com 447035937720 447035937720 electronics and home appliance class 58008 British EDINBURGH WEAVERS Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Office stationery;Office stationery URSULA GREENWOOD ursula@edinburghweavers.co.uk 01204900802 electronics and home appliance kind; andOffice, bags and leisure products class 58634 British City Retail UK Ltd Wholesalers/Distributors;Consumer electronics;Other consumer electronics;The computer and communication products;The computer and accessories computer peripherals computer network equipment;Communication products;Office stationery;Pens file storage classes office supplies;Paper label desk decoration decoration;Other office stationery;Bags;Th box dispatch box other bags and accessories;Furniture;Office furniture “97-101, Trongate, Star Building, Merchant City” Tahir Malik mjh92@aol.com 00441416492670 00441416492670 electronics and home appliance kind; andOffice, bags and leisure products classes;Household adornment category 56342 British ASV-SYSTEMS Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics “7 WEYVER COURT, ST ALBANS, AVENUE RD, HERTS U.K.” Paul Gleeson p1gleeson@hotmail.com 0044172785812 0044172785812 electronics and home appliance class 55910 British DENCON ACCESSORIES LTD. Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products LYDEN HOUSE SOUTH ROAD TEMPLEFIELD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE HARLOW ESSEX CM20 2 BS U.K. Robert b. Milliken pmilliken@dencon.co.uk 44127943363 44127943353 electronics and home appliance class 55933 British EQ CONSULTANTS (SCOTLAND) LTD Other;Household appliances;Household appliances and Magnus Crescent Glasgow G55 5 EX Derek Devlin rossthompson49@talk21.com 8817137-8817136-electronic and electrical appliances class 55033 British SHINE-MART LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics and a. Cromwell Ind Est. Staffa Rd London was 7 QZ M N Islam shinemart@aol.com 9887812 5589217 electronics and home appliance class 55038 British ASV TRADING Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics and WEYVER COURT AVENUE RD ST ALBANS U.K. Paul Gleeson p2gleeson@gmail.com 44-1727-858127 and 1727-858126 electronic and electrical appliances class 54948 British SAMASSA RECORDS Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Children’s clothing;Children’s clothing;Toys;Toys;Fashion kids’ wear the 2011-1-26 “96 Duncan Ave. # 2 E Jersey City, NJ 07306″ Mamadou Samassa samassarecord@hotmail.com 917 771-1919 electronics and home appliance kind; andTextile apparels;Gifts series 55184 British ABCON GROUP Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics “GLENWOOD, BRENTWOOD RD (LEADING TO PEARTREE LN) BULPHAN U.K.” Adrian Conway adrian.conway@abcongroup.co.uk 448712347688 448712347678 electronics and home appliance class 55194 British DEKOMOUNT LTD. Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;TV Plasma LCD LED the 2011-1-8 24-26 Arcadia Avenue Finchley Central London N3 2 JU Haree Patel info@dekomount.com 0039144 electronic and electrical appliances class 54820 British ELCO LIGHTIAN & ELECTRICAL Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Lighting products;Lighting products;Lighting The 2011-1-26 Unit 4 c The Birches Industrial estate imberhorne lane east grinstead west Sussex. TH19 1 XZ MS. Cherry Zheng www.elcoelec.com CHERRY@ELCOGROUP.CN 44 1342-302024 and 1342-302023 electronics and home appliance kind; andLighting class 54705 British EUROPEAN SHOPPING CENTER CO. SARL. Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics MOHAMAD RIZK esc_shops@hotmail.com electronics and home appliance class 55473 British SERENGETI RECORDS LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics and A OLD WOKING ROAD WEST BYFLEET SURREY U.K. Martin Howell martin@serengeti-records.com 44-1932-336431 and 1932-351925 electronic and electrical appliances class 55367 British LIQUIDITY SERVICES LTD Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Furniture;Furniture 640 SOUTH 10 TH STREET MILTON KEYNES MK93DG Marius emaikonas@yahoo.co.uk 8617664 electronics and home appliance kind; andHousehold adornment category 23884 British TRONIX (GB) LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products;Tablet Computers the 2011-4-17 “10 BURLEIGH ROAD BOURNEMOUTH DORSET, BH6 5 DU” James Morby jamesmorby@mac.com 01202433969 07779554499 electronics and home appliance class 24047 British GLOWTECH SERVICES LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Lighting products;Lighting products;Led lights the 2011-4-24;Electric wires the 2011-6-1 68 B WAKEFIELD ST LONDON ENGLAND Yasar info@glowtechservices.com 5480171 electronics and home appliance kind; andLighting class 24289 British SKYWONDER LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products 189 MANCHESTER ROAD OLDHAM LANCS pritz pritz@live.co.uk 9042399-1 9042399-1 25038 electronic and electrical appliances class British SECURIFLEX Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Coaxial 2011-4-26 Peter Walsh peter@securiflex.co.uk the 0044-845-0940 255-845 044-012-7349 1289 electronics and home appliance class 25030 British ECOAIR Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Dehumidifier the 2011-4-16 “UNIT 7, PROPELLER PARK 400 NORTH CIRCULAR ROAD, LONDON NW10 0 AB” Wooi Tee wooi@ecoair.org-2084511587-2084592458 electronic and electrical appliances class 25111 British jaycee&jay LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Digital camera the 2011-4-26 Charles okonkmo jcokonko@hotmail.co.uk 00447753205190 electronics and home appliance class 25340 British ECOCA LTD Other;Vehicles;Vehicles;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Lithium ferrous phosphate batteries 2011-4-16 34 A OAKWOOD COURT LONDON LONDON Kamran Naghdi ecocaltd@aol.com 6031777 6031777 vehicles and parts kind; andElectronics and home appliance class 25372 UK LTD. Other;Hardware;Hardware;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Fingerprint Lock the 2011-4-23 Tiger Zhu tiger.zhu@grelite.com 83699288 83115855 hardware tools;Electronics and home appliance class 25195 British SUPERSTARS BRISTOL LIMITED Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Digital Scales the 2011-4-16 Mike Seward mikeseward@hotmail.com 54250120 11576405 electronics and home appliance class 25201 British PROMOLANKA (PVT) LTD. Other;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products;Construction and decoration materials;Construction and deco Posted in Canton Fair. Leave a reply Cancel reply
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