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  Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(1018)
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:134
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公司:Electronics and home appliance class (18809)(1018)
地址: Posted on 2012 年 6 月 7 日 by admin | Leave a reply ta terminal IC card other commercial automation equipment;Photoelectric device rectifier inverter;Amplifier inverter prescaler;Relay adapter battery;Transformer voltage stabilizer inductor;Reactor circuit breaker a multimeter;Connectors measuring equipment charger;Electronic detection equipment electronic components other electric products;Sports and tourism leisure products;Sports and tourism leisure products;Furniture;Furniture;Clocks glasses;Jump word/travel needle jumping word table LCD display table stopwatch;YunDongBiao fashion watch bag watch;Pocket watch other surface table;Machine case dial;Whose hands chain strap;Watch glass waterproof apron other clocks accessories;Myopic lens reading glasses contact lenses;Sunglasses other glasses glass frame;Glass lens glasses box of other glasses accessories;Other clocks and watches products quartz clocks mechanical clock;Jump word/travel needle jumping word clock radio clock ark clock;Wall clock bell other bell;Quartz watch mechanical watch;Garden supplies;Garden supplies;Household supplies;Household supplies;Personal care purposes;Personal care purposes;Eat hutch appliance;Eat hutch appliance;Toys;Toys;Gift and premium;Gift and premium “Unit 21, The Vanguards Shoeburyness Essex” MARTIN ALLEN martin.allen@paraphernalia-uk.com 441702299102 441702299101 hardware tools;Electronics and home appliance kind; andOffice, bags and leisure products classes;Household adornment category;Gifts series;Daily consumer goods categories 54120 British B.R.M. CLOTHING CO. Wholesalers/Distributors JKTS luggage household items;Hardware;Cast iron products casting forging furniture hardware;Adornment hardware miscellaneous hardware locks and accessories;Screen welding material low pressure valves;Plumbing equipment fasteners other metal products;Tool;Tool;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products;Lighting products;Lighting products;Construction and decoration materials;Construction hardware doors and Windows hardware;Male and female attire;Male and female attire;Children’s clothing;Children’s clothing;Underwear;Underwear;Sportswear and sportswear;Sportswear and sportswear;Clothing decorations and the accessories;Clothing decorations and accessories cap;Household textiles;Household textiles;Textile materials fabric;Textile materials fabric;Shoes;Fashion shoes sneakers children;Sandals, slippers, other special purposes to the shoe and semi-finished products;Bags;Other bags and accessories, box dispatch box;Bag bag class bags;Household adornment;Household adornment;Furniture;Families use indoor furniture hotels furniture office furniture;Medical furniture outdoor furniture public facilities furniture;Other furniture furniture semi-finished products and spare parts;Holiday articles;Party supplies and decoration holiday articles and adornment;LUGGAGE 2011-2-28;FABRIC the 2011-3-2;GARMENTS the 2011-3-2;GARMENTS the 2011-7-29 Harmesh Lal Malhi brm_malhi@hotmail.co.uk 44-1215514783 44-1215514783 hardware tools;Electronics and home appliance kind; andLighting kind; andBuilding materials kind; andTextile apparels;Footwear;Office, bags and leisure products classes;Household adornment category;Gifts series 51899 British AG Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products pradeep prakash arvinelectronics@gmail.com 37167246452 37167246450 electronics and home appliance class 61123 British TELFORD AUTOS Trading cars motorcycle tools;Large machinery and equipment;Rubber processing machinery other mechanical equipment;Small mechanical;Small mechanical;Motorcycle;Motorcycle, beach car motorcycle;Auto parts;The tyres auto parts;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Lighting products;Lighting products;Sanitary equipment;Sanitary equipment;Vehicle spare parts the 2011-12-17 “units 6/7 charlton street, Wellington, telford, shropshire” Ian hardy www.telfordautos.co.uk carsales@userve.net 0044 (0) 1952617383 0044 (0) 1952617383 machinery;The vehicles and parts kind; andElectronics and home appliance kind; andLighting kind; andBuilding materials class 60974 England 3 T CONSULTING GROUP Other;Hardware;Hardware;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;Lighting products;Lighting products;I am looking for SOLAR ENERGY PRODUCTS. 2011-12-9 JIMI MORGAN jimi.moigan@3tconsultancy.com 4401438365426 hardware tools;Electronics and home appliance kind; andLighting class 60971 British MCM Global (Europe) Ltd Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Office stationery;Office stationery;Household adornment;Household adornment;Furniture;Furniture;Household supplies;Household items mike@mcmglobal.eu electronics and home appliance kind; andOffice, bags and leisure products classes;Household adornment category;Daily consumer goods categories 61280 British BT MOSAIC INTERNATIONAL LTD Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Sd card the 2011-5-31;MP4 4 GB 2011-11-2 61 NORTHUMBERLAND RD MA NCHESTER U.K. Thomas (Cai Guo Xian) goodtradepm@gmail.com the 0044-161-8624 875 0044-161-8624 561 electronic and electrical appliances class 61387 British TECHFORTRESS LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products;Cables THE 2011-2-23 “12 THE FAIRWAY, NORTHWOOD, MIDDX HA6 3 DY, LONDON U.K.” Mohamed techfortress@yahoo.co.uk 44-4401923833686 44-44-4407974322552 electronics and home appliance class 60573 British ANGLO EUROPEAN MARKETING LIMITED Other;Household appliances;Household appliances;Garden Furniture the 2011-6-18;Steam Press and Steam Irons the 2011-11-3 11 c Bath Street Lytham Lancs FY8 5 ES Ivor P Shapiro ivor@anglo-european.com 44-1253-733822 and 1253-722833 electronic and electrical appliances class 60799 England 3 T CONSULTING Other;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products;The computer and communication products;The computer and communication products;Construction and decoration materials;Construction and decoration materials;Office stationery;Office stationery;I am looking for Electronic Hardware the 2011-11-24 “234 Grace Way, Stevenage Herts SGI 5 AH, the England” JIMI MORGAN enquiries_3t@hotmail.com 44 0 7951 701065 electronics and home appliance kind; andBuilding materials kind; andOffice, bags and leisure products class 60788 British macpa Other;Household appliances;Household appliances a. somani sales@macpa.co.uk 4401162425686 4401162519055 electronics and home appliance class 58991 British QUANDMANIA Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electrical and electronic products quadmania@hotmail.com 447973837586 electronics and home appliance class 59434 British GENPOWER Other;Small mechanical;Small mechanical;Tool;Tool;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics roland@genpoweruk.com 441046663848 machinery;Hardware tools;Electronics and home appliance class 60200 British SISTERHOOD MEDIA GROUP Other;Household appliances;Household appliances “GROUND FLOOR, 58 CHESTNUT ROAD LONDON, SE27 9 LE U.K.” Edith Victoria edithvictoria@hotmail.co.uk 44-20-796236809 44-20-8766630 electronics and home appliance class 60261 English ABSTRACT AVR LTD Other;Electrical and electronic products;Electric products “WESTFIELD LEICESTER ROAD BLABY, LEICESTER U.K.” Mark Greenway steve@abstractavr.com 44-1162-771286 and 1162-788078 electronic and electrical appliances class 60117 British phone4phones LTD Wholesalers/Distributors mobile phones laptops digital camera;Consumer electronics;Consumer electronics home theater equipment VCD;DVDCDLD;The microphone karaoke equipment television;Set-top box video recorder;Reread machine radio megaphone;The speaker car audio and video system MP3;MP4MD walkman;Digital camera electronic game product mobile phon Posted in Canton Fair. 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