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  SIC Code : 08, Description : 木材
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:125
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公司:SIC Code : 08, Description : 木材
地址: 08 : 木材 编号: 199804250800000054 香港胶合板招标编号: 199804250800000054 香港胶合板招标 Back to top of this page PRODUCT DATA A. DETAILED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Timber for the Hospital Authority and various government departments. B. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS/TECHNICAL DATA: Supply of timber Schedule A (Items 1 to 38) Oregon Pine and Teakwood (thickness: 12mm - 76mm; width: 25mm - 304mm) - 9,987 meters (estimated quantity); Schedule B (Items 39 to 87) Hardwood 'SAN CHEUNG' (thickness: 12mm - 101mm; width: 25mm - 304mm) - 30,783 meters (estimated quantity); Schedule C (Items 88-101) Hardwood 'GUIJO' (thickness: 17mm - 50mm; width: 25mm - 203mm) - 10,520 meters (estimated quantity); Hardwood 'SERAYA' (thickness: 12mm - 101mm; width: 25mm - 203mm) - 6,007 meters (estimated quantity); Schedule E (Items 125 to 147) Hardwood 'SAN CHEUNG' (thickness: 25mm - 190mm; width: 12mm - 304mm) - without estimated quantity. Tenderers should note that their offers will be considered on the basis of separate complete sections (Schedule A, B, C, D, & E). Tenders with only partial quotations within any section will not be considered. The quantities specified in Schedule A, B, C, and D are estimates of probable requirements and such estimates are for the guidance and assistance of Tenderers only and are not figures to which the Government binds itself. For Schedule E, there is no estimated quantity given. Orders will be placed on an as and when required basis and the contractor must be prepared to supply all such requirement when called upon to do so. All timber supplied should be well seasoned, straight-grained, free from sapwood, loose knots, cracks, warps or worm holes. C. QUANTITY: Over 57,297 meters D: U.S. DOLLAR VALUE: NA E. PURCHASE NEEDED BY: As and when required basis. F. OTHER INFORMATION: PAYMENT TERMS: Bank draft or Letter of Credit. IS A SERVICE CONTRACT NEEDED: No SHIPPING TERMS: F.I.S. Hong Kong (Free Into Store, i.e. tenderer bears the responsibility for the cost of delivery into specified locations and stacking of goods therein.) WHO/WHAT IS THE END USER: Hospital Authority and various government departments. RESPONSE DATA A. RESPONSE LANGUAGE: ENGLISH B. BEST WAY TO RESPOND: By Fax or Mail. C. FROM MANUFACTURERS ONLY? No D. INFORMATION DESIRED FROM U.S. FIRM: Samples for any, or all of the items specified in the Tender schedule may be required and such samples must be made available by Tenderers, free of all cost within 14 days from the date of receipt of a written request. Samples submitted may not be returned after inspection. Tenderers are requested to provide all necessary information including descr operating and maintenance manuals and documentary evidence that are necessary for Tender evaluation. Failure to comply with this requirement may render the Tenders invalid. E. PRIMARY BUYING FACTORS: Cost, delivery time, samples, etc. F. OTHER INFORMATION: INTENT TO BUY: Intention to buy. TYPE OF BUYING OR LICENSING RELATIONSHIP: with effect from July 1, 1998 or from date of acceptance. TENDER LEAD DATA A. ISSUING AGENCY: Government Supplies Department B. FINANCING AGENCY: Government Supplies Department C. PRICE OF BID DOCUMENTS: NA D. PURCHASE BID DOCUMENTS BY: NA E. TENDER NUMBER REQUIRED IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS: Tender File: PT/436/97; File Ref: A80018/97 F. PERFORMANCE BONDS REQUIRED: NA G. CLOSED PROCUREMENT PROCUDURE: Completed tender documents and all accompanying documents, in triplicate, must be enclosed in a sealed plain envelope marked: "Tender for the Supply of Timber" addressed to the Chairman, Tender Opening Committee and deposited in the Government Supplies Department Tender Box at 12 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong (before April 14, 1998), or Ground Floor, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong (new address effective April 14, 1998), before 9:00 a.m. local time on May 1, 1998. Late tenders will not be accepted. H. BIDDING PROCUDURES: (Y/N) Yes I. BID DEADLINE: 19980501 POST REMARKS Orders will be placed by various Government Departments on an as and when required basis during the contractual period and deliveries must be made within two weeks from the date of order. If Tenderers are unable to meet this delivery requirement, they must clearly specify on the Tender Schedule an alternative delivery date and rate for consideration. Should no such or incomplete information be given, Tenderers will be bound by the delivery requirement specified above. Tenderers are requested to confirm that offers submitted comply with the required specification. If an offer does not conform to the Tender Specification, Tenderers should provide full details of their alternative offer, but the Gove reject any such offer. Please note that as effective from April 14, 1998, Government Supplies Department will move to 9th Floor, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT, U.S. AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL SERVICE AND U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 1998. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES. CONTACT: Pui-on Law Senior Supplies Officer Government Supplies Department 12 Oil Street, North Point Hong Kong Fax: (852) 2807-2764
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